protective eyewear for athletes
Protective Eyewear for Athletes
Did you know that in the year 2000, more than 42,000 eye related injuries were reported and that fully 72% of these injuries were incurred by those who were 25 years old or younger? This is a pretty significant statistic, and can help you understand why having protective eyewear for your young athletes is not just a good idea, but almost a necessity. This does not mean that just those children with vision impairments should utilize this range of safety products either. These are good safety measures for anyone who is conscious about their children’s well being in sport
Eyes On Litchfield offers a range of pre-manufactured and standard protective glasses and masks for those with standard low prescriptions and for those who are just concerned with damaging their sight regardless of needing corrective assistance. These are easy to take actions that can have immense benefits for your children and aspiring athletes. If you want to help your kids do better and ensure their safety, call us to see what we can do for you.
Eyes On Litchfield offers a range of pre-manufactured and standard protective glasses and masks for those with standard low prescriptions and for those who are just concerned with damaging their sight regardless of needing corrective assistance. These are easy to take actions that can have immense benefits for your children and aspiring athletes. If you want to help your kids do better and ensure their safety, call us to see what we can do for you.